Thursday, May 06, 2010

Importing Faces Into CGAL Arrangements

This problems occurs repeatedly in the X-Plane scenery tools code: we need to import a series of polygons into a single arrangement_2 structure, and we want to tag the faces contained by these polygons as they appear in the arrangement. This isn't entirely trivial for two reasons:
  • The polygons may collide with each other and thus there may be a 1:many relationship between the original data and the final map.
  • The polygons may be self-intersected or in other ways "hosed", so we need a particular strategy for handling this situation.
CGAL provides a number of built-in tools to deal with these situations. Here are 3 basic and useful building blocks:
  1. If you are using the general polygon set code that is built on top of arrangements, you can simply perform unions and intersections of a large number of faces. For merging a large number of areas, this code is faster than anything else you might code, because it can do an N-way divide and conquer, where N is larger than 2.
  2. For custom merging and handling of multiple polygons, you can use the overlay free function, which lets you specify how the combinations of each set of face from two maps are handled.
  3. You can simply insert a set of curves into an empty arrangement and they will be "swept" together. This is a useful way to turn a messy polygon into something useful - it finds intersections, builds topology, runs quickly, and handles input no matter how degenerate.
For example, if the goal is to have any area contained by any piece of polygon as "inside" you can simply insert all polygon sides into an empty arrangement and then tag every bounded face.

Finding Polygon Internal Areas

When building arrangements out of polygons of dubious origin (or simply building an arrangement out of a large number of unrelated polygons) I use a bulk insert to "sweep" the curves into the arrangement. How do I then find the faces? Here are three techniques:
  1. The contained area of a polygon can be found by simply checking whether the face is bounded or not. This is not useful though when importing multiple polygons at the same time. (When I need this technique, each polygon is individually imported into its own arrangement, then all arrangements are merged later, typically with general-polygon-set code.)

  2. We can implement a "toggle" policy (e.g. each line toggles interior vs. exterior) by doing a search from the outside to the inside of the arrangement, toggling whether we are "inside" or "outside" each time we cross a halfedge. The halfedges can retain curve-based properties; typically I use a consolidated data curve so that halfedges retain every property attached to them.

    One danger: an antenna will produce incorrect results in this technique because it won't toggle the data property twice. This can be hard to work around because data from the insert is maintained per edge, not half-edge

    Unfortunately, topology of the final arrangement doesn't help us resolve this either. Imagine an antenna (in the original polygon that crashes into another polygon, thus becoming part of a real partition. Technically the original face is not split by the antenna, but the faces in the final arrangement are, so saying face()==twin()->face() doesn't tell us we have an antenna in the original.

    Two ways to work around this: don't insert antennas, or don't tag known antennas with any data. Both cases require knowing that we have an antenna ahead of time.

  3. Sometimes we want to use a "winding rule" - that is, contain areas inside closed left turning contours. This is, for example, useful when calculating offset buffers and minkowski sums; the artifacts from strange shapes being offset too much turn out not to be left turning contours and get thrown out.

    To find the winding rule areas, we have to look at the direction of the curves inserted.

    The way my code does this is to look at the direction of the underlying curve vs. the direction of the half-edge and then mark the half-edge as being on the "inside" or "outside" of the winding with a dat a field on the half-edge itself. This is reconstructed after bulk insert, and then we can traverse the whole arrangement, counting windings.

    The limitation here is similar to above: if we have an antenna, the underlying curve can have only one direction, not two, and one half-edge will be incorrectly tagged. Fortunately antennas are not typically necessary to produce offset buffers.

It should be noted that if you insert curves incrementally (insert one curve into the arrangement) an observer of the arrangement returns all generated and overlapped half-edges, which gives you the contained bounds of the contour inserted. I use this technique when inserting a low-side-count face into a very complex arrangement, to avoid re-sweeping a huge amount of data. Overlays and bulk inserts do not produce "per curve" announcements via the observer mechanism.

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